Sunday, February 05, 2006


METC Presentation Handouts

Looking for the handouts from the presentations that I gave at the 2006 Midwest Educational Technology Conference (METC)?

Reading and Technology
Diana Dell, Instructional Technology Specialist
Description:Today’s educators must utilize technology’s power to improve student reading ability as mandated by NCLB. Technology allows educators to meet diverse student needs and increase motivation of all students. Attend this workshop to discover Internet resources that address the National Reading Panel recommendations in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Moodling with Mark Twain
Diana Dell, Instructional Technology Specialist
Noreen Krebs, Library Media Specialist
Description: See how the Valley Park School District promotes reading of the Mark Twain Nominee books by engaging students in online discussions of books using free learning management systems such as Moodle and Nicenet. You will view actual book discussions and be provided step by step instructions for beginning this project with your students.

Lights, Camera, Curriculum
Diana Dell, Instructional Technology Specialist
Trish Alexander, eMINTS Teacher
Description: Learn to enhance curriculum by using cable programming, United Streaming, hypermedia, digital video and photography. Participants will have a hands-on experience with Windows Movie Maker 2. Participants will view student samples of projects and see the impact of visual literacy in the curriculum. Visit Valley Park School District and see how teachers utilize digital storytelling in their classroom.

Handhelds for Beginners
Diana Dell, Instructional Technology Specialist
Greg Jones, Communication Arts Teacher
Description: Considering taking the leap into handheld computing? This session provides the absolute beginner with a hands-on introduction to handhelds and the Palm OS. An overview of handheld use in education will be provided. Learn about many sources of free software that can be downloaded from the Internet.

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