Friday, September 21, 2007
Seeking Beta Testers for
We are seeking teachers to serve as beta testers. Your responsibilities as a beta tester are to use the software for instructional purposes and report any issues or problems that you experience. You may be asked to periodically provide your opinion by completing an online survey.
In exchange for your participation as a beta tester, you will be provided with a SqoolTools account free of charge during the beta phase and for a period of one year following the close of the beta phase. If you would like to participate as a beta tester, read the details and complete a brief survey. Please note that the window of opportunity to become a beta tester is brief. We will be making our selections during the next week.
Happy Teaching and Learning!
SqoolTechs will be at MITC!
The ABCs of VLEs
3-hour pre-conference session
Sunday, Oct. 14, 9 a.m. - Noon
Is the concept of Virtual Learning Environments new to you? Are you ready to take the plunge into blogs, wikis, and other Web 2.0 tools. Attend this session to learn the basics of how Moodle can be used to support traditional instruction by easily integrating collaborative tools. You will be provided free access to your own virtual classroom for a year. Time will be devoted to getting your virtual classroom up and running. Bring your class list with you!
Math FACTS (Free, Awesome, Cool Tools for Students)
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 8:45 - 9:45 a.m
Explore all of the best K-6 math tools the web has to offer! From basic addition to geometry and fractions, from virtual manipulates to interactive games, from online calculators and converters to graphing tools. You will leave this session with resources for every math topic you teach. A laptop would be beneficial in this session, but not necessary.
You Mean I Am Supposed to Teach Science, Too?
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 11:15 - 12:15 a.m
In 2008, expanded MAP testing begins in Science. The grade-span tests will be administered in Grades 5, 8, and 11. With the push to meet AYP in communication arts and math, many teachers have been forced to skimp on science instruction. Are you in need of resources to help prepare your students for the upcoming Science MAP tests? Attend this session to discover online science tools and resources that have been aligned with the GLEs. A laptop would be beneficial in this session, but not necessary.
Happy Teaching and Learning!
Labels: MITC, Moodle, sqooltechs, sqooltools, Virtual Learning Environments